Though adding a WORKDIR /docker_stuff line to the Dockerfile before ENTRYPOINT is probably best.
Share files and folders, copy and paste images and text and drag and drop files and content between Mac and Windows applications. And if you need specific outputs or to store files somewhere you can mount volumes onto the docker with -v, for example:ĭocker run -v path_to_my_stuff:/docker_stuff image_name, Seamless Use Windows side-by-side with macOS (no restarting required) on your MacBook, MacBook Pro, iMac, iMac Pro, Mac mini or Mac Pro. Make a folder for what is needed to run your binary, and in your Dockerfile: FROM centosĭocker run image_name as if it were the binary itself. Use Docker Desktop for Mac.ĭocker pull centos:latest # 73MB CentOS docker image Noah does not allow the binaries to execute properly for me.